Amazoon Parrot

     Amazons are one of my favourite parrots, they might even be my number one in some aspects, but they sure are not for everyone.

     They are very strong willed and when mature, hormonal birds that mean business when they bite. This is sometimes a feature that you might find hard to live with. I will use one of our amazons Lou as an example. Lou is a 15 year old rescue male who truly dislikes women. This is more then normal for amazons. We got him to a point where I can do anything with him, he preens my eye lashes and I can flip him upside down, scratch him under the wings etc. There is absolutely no way he would ever bite me after his initial training when he came to us from living in a dungeon basement, but my wife is a different story all together. Lou sometimes goes as far out of his way that he will run or fly across the room to attack her. What makes Lou even more special is the fact that this would be normal behaviour for a female amazon, but he is a male and he bonded to me. Now with this being said I have to point out that we both do lot of training with him and Barb, my wife, rewards him with his favourite sunflowers etc but all that still will not over write mature Amazon Parrot's hormones. Hence the picture I posted, this is a bouquet of flowers for Valentines day from me to Barb and you can see what Lou did with all of them. 
Lou speaks way over hundred words and phrases and almost every day says something new, very often in context and total sense. You will often read they are not the cuddliest birds, but he is, but again I make them that way. I just love to squish them and flip them and simply cuddle so all our birds are used to it and like it.  
     They can be very loud, not as loud as Macaws, but still pretty annoying if you let them to be. Many learn to talk very well and in my opinion even better then the greys. Get ready for a lifetime family  member as they live up to 80 years or so...

     With this being said, he is still probably the best talking, smartest and toughest bird we ever had.