Target Training

Target Training "Targeting" is an easy trick to teach and can be quite fun. Eventually you can use targeting even for flight training or training tricks involving props.  Here in my video you can see how targeting can be used to make parrot fly from one perch to another, it doesnt have to be a perch, it can be your arm or the couch or whatever you pick and wherever you point your target stick.

          Alright, how to start training?
What you will need is a Target Stick, T-stand if you want, a Clicker and some Treats. The stick can really be any stick that is about 1 to 2 feet in length, chopsticks work really well too. I am using a manufactured retractable target stick in my video so I am able to adjust the length of the stick, but you dont really need this. What you do want tho is the end of your target stick to be marked different color, mine is yellow, but it can be red or pink, whatever color you like. The reason for this is that you will want your bird to touch the colored end, not just anywhere on the stick, like right by your finger. It can be done without the colored tip, but with it its just that much easier. If you use chop sticks you can dip the last 1 inch in a food coloring for example.
You can start either on a T-stand or if you are working on your parrots biting issues, you can start on or even in the birds cage, it's just fine if you put the stick thru the cage bars if you have to. 
          First step will be you presenting the bird your target stick, do not scare him with it, some birds are more shy then others. To start you will have the stick rather close to the birds beak, within his reach somewhat.  I like to say a command "Touch" together with the birds name - "Molly Touch" as I present the stick, wait and as soon as the bird will touch it with his beak - click, praise and reward with your treat. At the very beginning you dont need to expect your bird to touch only the tip, it will depend on your bird, if he is eager and willing, then you can try, but if he is rather shy of it, then reward for any attempt, even if he barely touches it anywhere. Now remember the bird needs to only touch it, you dont want him to chew it ;) As soon as he touches you click and pull the stick away to prevent the bird chewing and destroying it. Watch closely how I click and reward Molly when she is targeting on her T stand.

          Eventually as your bird gets better you might want to start offering the stick a bit further away from your bird so he has to stretch his neck, then make a step, then turn around (yes this can be a way to teach your bird to turn around) and at the end fly to wherever you point, your arm if you wish. Do not rush it tho, work with your bird, not around your clock.
          This exercise is quick and quite simple so dont bore your bird too much with it. I never do more targeting then what you see me do in the video, maybe even less. That way your bird will like it and will be excited even the next time.

Remember always end on a good note and when the bird is still enjoying it so he will be waiting happily for next training session.

Same "telescopic" Target Stick as I use