Tameness Scale by Kevin Murphy

1. The parrot will step from its cage to your hand, from one hand to the other, from your hand to its stand or cage and will remain on your hand or the stand without jumping or flying off.

2. The bird allows you to touch his beak and rub his feet, he remains seated on your hand or wrist while you walk about.

3. Your companion bird allows you to touch his chest and facial feathers, will preen his feathers while seated on your hand, will play with a toy or eat a snack while seated on your hand, will walk up your arm and sit on your shoulder while you walk about and will preen your hair and ears.

4. Your bid allows you to ruffle facial feathers and stroke the top of his head and neck. He hangs upside down from your fingers, sits on your shoulder and snuggles up to your face or will take  little cat nap while you are holding him, will sit on your hand and exercise his wings.

5. He allows you to ruffle feathers on the back of his neck, scratch his neck, stroke his back, cup your hand around his back and grasp his tail feathers, hangs upside down from one hand and allows your other hand to support his back, allows you to gently swing him back and forth while he hangs from your hand by one or both feet, hangs from your fingers and beats his wings, performs other hand to hand acrobatics, allows you to hold him in both hands like a pigeon.

6. Your companion bird allows you to touch his body under is wings, will nestle down in your hands, will lie on his side or on his back, while his head may hang down looking about or be curled up preening leg feathers - will probably be holding your finger with one foot.

7.He allows you to spread his wings part way and ruffle his body feathers at the base of his tail, tummy and legs, nestles down in your cupped hands and cat naps, allows toenails to be clipped and filed while sitting on perch.

8.The bird allows you to fully extend one wing to inspect feathers, allows to probe and examine new feather growth while body feathers are fluffed up.

9. He allows you fully extend both wings, will lie on his back in your cupped hands without holding onto you with his feet, will also lie in this position on your lap while you trim and file his toenails.

10. Your companion bird allows you to touch him in any way you want without protest, allows you to clip his wing feathers ("I do not clip our birds, John") while lying on your knee or seated on is stand.