Cage Floor Covering

So far news paper has proven to be the best for me. It is easy to change, it is cheap, safe for the birds and its is easy to get even if you live further away from pet stores. Only downside is that newspaper is light so when the bird flaps its wings a lot it can fly around and some birds like to rip it apart. But usually if you keep it clean and change it daily then they tend to leave the newspaper alone since there isnt much food on or under it for them to look for.
There are other products on the market made specifically for bird cages but most fly around even more then newspaper and are should be changed every month or so and only the soiled areas are meant to be scooped up daily till then. That doesn't work for me, because there is dust from the birds, water from me showering them, bunch of food scattered on the floor and so on. I like to be able to start clean every morning.

Kaja loves to read