Dew Claws and Tail

Dewclaws and Tail docking.

Removing Dew Claws is another of American invention. Most or fair to say no-one in Europe even knows what it is or why the heck we would remove them. It upsets me greatly that people can be such sheep and easily misled by the dumbest ideas one can come up with. It also upsets me greatly that chopping of animals' body parts is cool in the society and more so it is even looked up to, now that is a seriously scary chit right there! The dogs, wolves and coyotes has had their dew claws for thousands and thousands of years and they are still doing just fine! All our dogs at home are doing fine too and all their ancestors were fine too! 

No, we don’t remove dewclaws at our kennel, unless we have a pup with some visibly deformed and they should be removed for obvious reasons. Properly bred dog has a nice tight dewclaw that is very important for them! 

Removing dew claws leads to arthritis in the joint, that is a proven fact and besides that it is just simple. It is completely stupid. One of the few smart things the Vet Society finally did is to ban their Vets from removing Dew Claws. YET the internet is still full of idiotic articles about how good it is to remove them because Mitsy Poodle that doesn’t leave the couch can rip them off jumping off and her owner Lisa FruFru likes her dog legs nice and smooth. Does it sound stupid? Yes, that’s because it is! How low and naive have we become and how dangerous it is that people can be convinced that dumbest things to do are actually good?! Yes, I am peed off about it ;) Every time i hear that someone reinvented the wheel or wants to tell mother nature what to do I become very cautious. 

Tail Docking falls in the same category, BUT at least it doesn’t affect the dog’s health by causing joint problems (if done properly). However, one very important thing that no-one talks about! is the fact that in cold countries like Canada, for example, the dogs need their tail to cover their private parts to stay warm and prevent frostbite! That IMO falls into the important label. 

You can see in the picture clearly that the purple is the ligament! So NO, THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY OF DOING IT! But hey for millennia chopping the Achilles Tendon was a form of torture, so why don't we do it to our dogs because Lisa said so ;) 
