10 First Things ToDo with New GSP Malinois Puppy at Home

1. Take your puppy to Potty Outside after every time he Eats, Sleeps or Plays

2. Remember they need a lot of Sleep, even if you have to lock them in the crate

3. Don't Spoil your puppy. It won't do anyone any good, him or you

4. Kennel Train your pup

5. Feed about 3 times a day. Take away what he doesn't finish in 10 minutes and use it for next feeding

6. Go for next set of Vaccines about 1 week after you pick up your puppy

7. Your pup will have dirty ears. That's normal. Don't worry about it, they will clean themselves

8. Don't Bath your puppy. At least the first week or 2. 

9. Have drinking Water available (not in crate)

10. Don't take him for Walks or dog Parks, they are still babies and don't have the stamina or immunity