Male vs Female


       Should I get a Male or Female puppy and what are the differences? That is one of the most common questions I get from clients getting a puppy from us. :)
I will try to give you "my opinion" again. I am sure other people might have a different one as I will try to "generalize" here of course. From my experience (let's start with females, ladies first ;)
          Females are (generally speaking) Tougher, Smarter, Have more Drive often and fight much harder in case there is a dog fight. 
          Males are more laid back (doesn't mean they are lazy at all), maybe not as sharp lol, yes yes I am sorry to admit that :) and often not as focused. 

Yes, you can sit here and watch my males whine, bark, run in a certain direction, only to realize 50 yards later that it is the wrong way and so on ;) That is of course before someone is in heat. When there is females in heat then I would say that they are as dumb as can be sadly and focused as much as someone can be, without even eating sometimes for a few days ;) 
Now, of course, I still do everything with all dogs, no matter if they are or they are not in heat. Boys and girls, but you definitely have to have a handle on them both if they should perform while someone is in heat. Mostly the boys will be very distracted and if they don't listen to you normally, then they will not listen for sure. Females will be sneaky and pretend they are dumb and didn't hear you when you called, so better keep your eyes open. But it can be done quite easily if you spend your time training your doggies. 
Females are cranky sometimes and they are true bitches, well the best ones are ;)  
I always tell people that if they need a dog that can pull their team at midnight in minus 20C from a creek because they fall through the ice with the dog sled, then get a female at the front. 
If you want a dog that will be only your couch buddy, get a male. 

Now to mix you up even more. They can both do it all, it is just how you go about it and how you perhaps have to adjust your training accordingly to get the results you want. Again this is only a generalization. Not all dogs will be like this and yes, I know, there is a lot of people that have 1 or 2 dogs and they will think their male is super smart or their female is super cuddly and friendly with every dog. It is a bit different when you have a big pack at home and raise and train 100 of them. 

          With this being said, if you Spay or Neuter your dog then IMHO there is no difference at all. The only difference will be the way they pee :) Most of these differences are driven by hormones and by "fixing" your pup, you unfortunately, remove the majority of the difference causing hormones. 

My solution to this is simple. I run a male and a female at the front of my team and it works awesome for us :) Maybe that's the way nature intended this system to be? ;)


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