Kennel Training

     Kennel training is IMO important thing to do for every dog and owner. Not only that it can help you and your dog to co-exist more peacefully but it can also come handy in cases of travel, emergency, dog shows or competitions, hospital stay and many other scenarios. Basically, all serious working dogs and many pets at some point have to be in a kennel. It is unfair to leave your dog at an animal hospital where they always stay in a crate, with a serious injury plus the added stress of being in a crate for the first time on top of that. What if you will have to transport your dog on a plane or what if you decide you would like to pick up agility or go to a dog show? Basically what I am trying to say is that not training your dog to be in a crate is not fair to your dog, even tho many people project this idea exactly the other way around. That is only because they don't know any better and are unable to do so themselves ;)
     Best is to start kennel training on the first day you bring your puppy home. No point to wait, plus it will greatly help you with potty training and setting up rules in the house. Your dog will eventually learn to like his crate, it will become his own space and he will learn to go there to relax and sleep. I also feed all my dogs in their kennels, that way they can eat their food in peace. 
     Once you decide to put your puppy in his crate, remember that's when the training starts. Most pups put up a huge fuss and it will sound as if you are chopping their tail off, but don't worry, they are just testing you for the most part. It is important you don't give in and don't open the door. Wait till he calms down and is quiet, even if it is for 15 seconds and then you can let him out. Never give your pup any attention when he screams and never let him out or it will be only getting progressively worse and he will have you numbered at that second. Ignore him while he screams, give him attention or let him out when he is quiet. Best is to put your puppy in after he plays or eats, take him outside to potty and put him in for a nap. 
     You will need a couple crates as your puppy grows. In the beginning, it is important to get one that is just big enough for your pup to sleep in and not play or go potty on one end and sleep on the other. Some of the wire crates come with a movable divider, that is also a good option. 
It is not really important where the kennel is, it is not really important whether he has it covered or not or whether it is a $10 or $300 crate. I always leave a bone in for them to play with, but that's it. It is a place to rest, not play.  
     Some people just can not stand their puppy screaming, for those the best is to either put the crate in a separate room, the garage, etc or put your pup in and go for a walk. That is a much better idea than giving in and creating a bigger issue. If this is done properly, there wouldn't be such cruel nonsense as antidepressants for dogs with anxiety problems, which IMO is what truly is cruel, screaming puppy in a crate for few days is just a normal part of life. Remember all dogs can be kennel trained, no excuses, your dog is not special.


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