Potty Training

     I recommend starting right from day one as soon as you get your new puppy home. The best way to go about Potty Training is to get the right size (not too big!) crate and start crate training right away (I have a separate article on Crate Training). Your puppy will want to go potty after every time he eats, sleeps and plays so best is to be proactive and plan ahead so we avoid accidents. The fewer accidents, the easier it will be. I do not let new puppy to run all over the house. If you let him run all over it will be very hard to keep an eye on him for you. Best is to block off the kitchen, hallway or such. A smaller space with preferably lino or laminate floor for easier cleanup. In my opinion crate training is very important, safe and practical and it crucially helps with potty training. Dogs naturally do not go potty in their "den" unless they really can't hold it anymore. Therefore after I play with my puppy or after he eats, I will let him go potty and put him back in his crate or beside your bed to sleep. When he gets up I will take him straight outside from his crate and praise him when he does his business in a designated place. Again remember to be proactive and take him outside after every time he plays, eats or sleeps. I do not necessarily encourage people to correct puppies too much if they make a mistake so they are not scared to pee in front of you, but I will also let him know that I am not happy. Usually simple UhUh that's not good! with the right tone of voice does it. When he does pee outside, on the other hand, praise him nice and calmly and let him know that you are happy with him. Many puppies will never really pee in the home if its done properly, esp smart dogs like pointers. Remember small puppies can not hold it for too long, so you will be up few times a night probably. 

     Pee Pads are a bad idea, in my opinion, intended for lazy people. They are often scented with ammonia and basically teach your dog that his home is a toilet so the dog goes to relieve himself on it and IMO if a person is that lazy and incapable that he can not train his dog to not potty in the house he shouldn't own one, not one of our pups anyways.


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