New GSP Puppy at Home

Few Basic Tips for your new GSP puppy arrival:
  1. Offer FOOD to your GSP puppy 4 times per day for the first week or two. It is a good idea to soak his kibble in hot water for 20 minutes but no need.  Remove uneaten food in 5-10 minutes and feed it later. Do not leave food available. 
  2. Have WATER Available at home non-stop.
  3. Let your GSP puppy SLEEP a lot. They are just little babies and need to sleep, even tho they will look like they want to play. Leave your pup alone and let him sleep a lot, it is very important.
  4. Keep your GSP puppy WARM for the first couple of weeks. They can not regulate their temperature as well as adult dogs yet (esp. our shorthaired pointers), keep your puppy warm. It is OK to go potty outside in the winter but go right back in after. 
  5. Start POTTY TRAINING your GSP puppy the day you get your pup. Take him outside fast after every playtime, food, and sleep. Go out a lot and praise him/her every time she goes potty.
  6. Go for a booster VACCINE about 2 weeks after you get your GSP puppy. 
  7. Start CRATE training your new GSP puppy. This doesn't have to be the first day but do not wait 3 months, trust me ;) Few minutes at a time. 
  8. Do not go to any DOG PARKS or anywhere where other dogs have access, their immune system is not fully developed yet. Wait till 10 days after his booster vaccine. 
  9. Do NOT EXERCISE your GSP puppy yet, let him sleep, eat and play at home. He has no business to go hiking with you!
  10. Do not treat him like a sick human baby, respect and love your puppy but you are his LEADER, not a pushover / food dispenser. 
  11. Teach your GSP puppy to FOLLOW you, try not to follow your puppy. 
  12. Your GSP puppy will be SCARED at his new home for the first 48 hours. Be aloof to it and do not reinforce this behavior. In two days things will completely change. 
  13. Do not give your GSP puppy a BATH or wash his ears! They need the scent and oils in their coat and it is normal for puppies to have dirty ears a bit. They will clean themselves and your vet will wipe them, if you wash their ears they will easily get infected.
  14. Give your new GSP pup a marrow beef BONE or such. They are dogs and need to chew. Your pup will also be teething so chewing is essential. Plastic or rubber toys are not what they are designed to chew on.
  15. Last but not least. Remember you have a new puppy and a lot of businesses will try to make MONEY on you because you are in a new and vulnerable stage in your life. This, unfortunately, includes many veterinarians and almost all retailers. Remember you got a healthy puppy, he doesn't need all the toys and beds and jackets and 10 vaccines and tests nor every stranger petting him. He needs a stable and structured home which he calls his pack and we humans call it a family. 

     The best thing to do once you get your new GSP or Malinois puppy home is to start establishing some sort a routine right from the start. This will help you with potty training and possible anxiety issues down the road. Start your kennel training early, that will also help with potty training and get your puppy used to his crate as a normal part of his daily life and he becomes to like his safe place/crate. Start establishing your rules and do's and don'ts, the earlier you start, the easier it will be. Don't spoil your puppy, even tho it is hard to resist, it's for his own good. Many people unintentionally reinforce the initial scared puppy behaviour, just ignore it. 


  1. Thanks for sharing. Great advice, but so difficult to tell off puppies and not let them sleep with you when they're so cute! But yes, if you're not getting the routine and discipline embedded from day 1, it can cause problems.


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