Don't Spoil Your Puppy

        This is not a complex article, more of just a suggestion. Try not spoiling your puppy more then you have to :) I know it might be hard, but in the end, it will be all your fault when things go bad later on. See if you give your new puppy all the attention, cuddles and time in the world, he/she will be expecting that for the rest of his life because that is what he will think is normal and it is not possible. Your dog will need structure and rules and limitations in order to live happily in the human environment.  It is not fair IMO to spoil your puppy for the first 2 months with you and then cut him off and start correcting him for what was once perfectly fine and maybe even "cute". Love your new pet, treat him good and with respect, but set your boundaries right from the start. This will prevent you saying 6 months down the road "we love him so much, but we can't give him the time he needs so we are looking for a new forever home for him". Please believe me on this...

1 comment:

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