8 common reasons why people are not successful with their horses.

Lack of trust in your horse.

Lack of experience.

Lack of knowledge.

Lack of time.

Lack of money.

Lack of support from the spouse and family.

Lack of devotion.

Lack of fitness abilities. 

    These are in my opinion the most common reasons why horse owners don't achieve desired level of success with their horses. I think every above-mentioned point is equally important and if we want our horse to excel, we should probably try to have all points as good as possible.
    No one started off knowing everything, but it's important to always learn and develop.
    A fit dressage rider won't be the best without horsemanship skills and overweight-unfit great horseman won't be the best rider, for example.             
    Knowledge can be and should be gathered from many sources and experiences come with time.
    Trust can be developed along the way.
    Time and money can be complicated and it usually comes down to priorities.
If your husband enjoys riding as much as you do then it's double the fun and I always say "if you choose to do something, do it as good as possible or don't do it at all".


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