Video Page
  Please check our Instagram accounts for many more videos. We stopped posting videos on our website for the most part as Instagram is just much more convenient and we have hundreds of videos and photos there.  Here are links to our GSP and Malinois accounts: 

Malinois Video


GSP Video

Rex, our Stud Dog

Our Dogs pulling a Sled

"Heeling" for a Competitive Dog

Riding at Night

Day in a Sulky / Standardbred Race Horse

Starter Gate / Harness Racing
Here is a unique video I made today of a view from a Starter Gate Vehicle on a horse race track. It is not the same experience as in real life, but it's something you don't see very often..

Having Fun in the Field

One of my Best Videos and my Best Horses
Just a little fun video made by the wood stove in the horse trailer :) 
Bob took his little brother for some fun rides in the mountains for the first time.
This also gives you a bit of an idea how I like to do things with my horses... Winter 2014

Riding My Gaited Standardbred / Fast

How I Lunge a Horse
  This is a video showing how I like to lunge a horse. I lunge horses mostly to achieve a certain state of mind, for me it is not an exercise tool and I also don't believe it ever should be. Rather it is a way to get my horse soft, comfortable while being "worked", get him moving out nice and create a soft and relaxed bend while in motion. I want my horse to watch me and pay attention to me without any fight (if you notice in the second half of the video I kept my hand open just to show how little I actually hold this horse). I don't want my horse to flex his head and neck away from me and simply run mindless circles, I always want a nice bend towards me, neck and head bend into the circle and a hip moving out and away. Often you can see horses moving their hip in and head out, that in a horse language means "let me get out of here or I might give you a nice kick one day cause I don't like ya". I don't lunge horses for longer then few minutes at a time either, again my goal is not to get them tired and worked up, rather the exact opposite. I don't want to chase them away from me, I teach them to want to be with me. In my opinion lunging is one the most commonly used techniques, but it can be also quite complicated, over done and takes time to develop. This nice horse in above video has one month of training on him.

Driving and Logging Training

I am working on a horse for a client of mine who wants to pull the occasional log for fire wood out of the bush with his horse. I thought it would be interesting to show, since its something a little different again... Summer 2014

Horse Clinic Example
Here is a little teaser of what we could do at one of our clinics. We have many specific options available that we can cover. In this particular one we touched up on Bareback Riding and some Basic Ground Work. June 2014

How I Started Willy
A video of an awesome little pony horse I’ve trained. Willy has been sold to his new loving home now at the Military Base, but he is one that I will remember forever. Winter 2014

Peanut Meets Big Cheeky Bulls
We went for a little ride in the rain and met some big trucks along the highway as well as neighbor’s cows with two pretty big bulls in the pasture, it was the first time for Peanut, but he handled it very well. This young horsie was started only few months ago and is growing into a very good endurance horse. Very proud of him, good job Peanut! :) September 2013

How I Started Peanut

Slideshow of Old Horse Pics. 2011

Teaching My Puppy To Heel 2011

Target Training Macaw Kaya

Molly Flying From The Roof / Recall Training

Teaching the "Blinds" / Working K9

My Dog in Protection Trial/ Working K9

My Dog in Obedience Trial / Working K9

Playing Outside with Dogs and Free Flying Parrots

Teaching Target Flying Parrot

Free Flying Macaws / Nice Slideshow

Kitten Recall Training / Every Cat Should Do This :-)

What is a Tame Parrot

Tracking With a Puppy

Puppy Tracking 2

My Dogs Love Treadmill :)

Working K9 Puppy Training

Molly Flying Outside over Dogs