My guideline to buying a horse

  1. 1.Good feet. I don't usually worry about chips in horses hooves as they will be easily fixed by your farrier and are just a part of normal wear and tear. What I do not like is cracks, especially ones that go all the way up to or from! the coronary band. The bigger the foot, the better. Watch for flat feet, and signs of founder.

  1. 2.Good withers. Horses with flat withers are hard to fit saddle to and your safety is somewhat compromised when it comes to stability of the saddle in case of spooks or mounting. Usually devices as breast collars and cruppers will be needed.

  1. 3.Straight legs. Watch your horse walk and trot from all angles and pay attention to the symmetry of all his legs. Horses with compromised angles can still potentially be a great and long lasting horse, but can have added stress on knees, fetlocks, shoulders and a spine and special care might have to be part of your care program.

  1. 4.Personality. Be true to your self and your abilities and pick a horse with temperament that will fit yours. Green horse and a green rider is almost always a bad idea.

  1. 5.Breed. Select a breed of horse that will suit your needs. Arabian will not be a good rope horse and Friesian will not be a good endurance horse. A good horse is a good horse, no matter what breed it is.

  1. 6.Teeth. Check your horses teeth if you can. Ask if his wolf teeth have been removed and teeth floated in the past.

  1. 7.Color. Should be the last thing on your list. Breeds that are based on their color like appaloosas, paints, spotted saddle horses and such are usually bred based on their appearance instead of their abilities and personality. There is a reason why most race and performance horses are brown-bay.

  1. 8.Price. That is already up to you, but there is tons of good horses for $1000. Esp if you don't care what breed and color it is and all you want is a great horse for many years to come.

    Good Luck,


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