Vet Talk


Our Vet Talk articles are written by my dear friend and veterinarian Regula Waeckerlin.
Regulla's passion is horses, dogs and birds. She has hands on experience with them and we are glad she contributes her articles and ideas and time to our site.

Regula's biography is coming soon, sorry for the delay, we are working around our busy schedules as much as we can.

If you have a serious question related to birds health, you can leave a Comment and we will try to answer as soon as possible...



  1. If you have a really severe URI or infection is it safe to play with your parrot?

  2. Barbe,
    there are only a handful of pathogens that are very transmissible between birds and human. Some bacteria are ubiquitous, meaning they are found in the normal environment, but don't necessarily cause any problems. Most bacteria causing UTI belong to that category. By keeping a good personal hygiene, we are trying to reduce the amount of pathogens the parrot is exposed to - but the parrots can usually deal with the remaining bacteria in the environment just fine.


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