Truth about Free Flying

Molly in the top of the Trees

          The Truth is that Free Flying is very risky for your bird and it is very very stressful for you as a parrot owner at times. Perhaps if you have a flock of many birds and you live in a location where they can fly together since they are a little baby and know very well their surroundings and are used to coming back home on their own then it could be a bit easier.
The most experienced people have fly offs all the time and use the best locations possible. Videos are edited and made look flashy to attract people.  

A lot of training might work well for very young birds, but at some point the bird might fly off or not get to fly outside anymore, because it's too much for the owner to handle. You will not be shown failures nearly as often as success stories, so be careful when you watch all these free flying videos.

I guarantee that you will get dirty at some time and you will climb trees and look for your bird few times. If it was any easier there would be many people doing it already and if anyone is telling you a nicer story then maybe is he trying to sell you something? It can be done, but it will take dedication on your part and it definitively is not for the faint hearted and it is much harder than training a dog to come to you reliably.

I am real and I do not make money on telling you my experiences or what I know, I do it for you and the birds and improving their life in "captivity" with us. It is up to you to use your judgement. You see me flying my own birds with my dogs and horses and cats and trees everywhere. This however doesnt happen over night nor over the course of a week. It is a long term baby step commitment in training and bird husbandry with lots of stress at times and often even the use of ear plugs ;-)

After all if you succeed it can be perhaps the most rewarding experience you will ever have with your pet.


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