Tame Parrot

          I have had few recent discussions with people about how their bird is tame and how he loves them, but they lets say are not able to touch their back and so on. It got me thinking that perhaps we all have a different perception of what a tame parrot is for us and to be honest I have never thought of it much and yet it is my first thing I work on with all of our new birds, even the rescue ones. I am not sure where or how to start this article, but perhaps at the beginning I should tell you that this is what I try to accomplish with our birds before I get too worried about other things with them, that does not mean I don't train them to do other things during this time, actually trick training partially helps me to get there, but to get the bird to level 10 tameness is my first and most important goal. We have discussed this today with my wife and we were thinking, "well, imagine that we give people the tools to train Free Flight and then they have to climb up a 50 feet tall tree to recover their bird if something goes wrong and the bird wont let them touch him on his back!", that would be really tricky if you are hanging on a branch by one arm and trying to get a bird who is iffy about you touching him. See, very important subject and yet so overlooked. 



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