My bird loves me, he wont fly away

I always hear people say how strong their bond is between them and their bird and how they are sure that their bird will not fly away and they can go for walks with him on the shoulder. 
I strongly encourage people to teach their bird recall, even if they will not fly outside intentionally. Any bird can get spooked and fly away in fear, it really doesnt matter how strong the bond between you and him is, the birds survival instinct is very strong and if he will feel threatened then he will fly off, even the ones that you think can not fly or are clipped can still go reasonable distance and height if they feel the need. I know that from personal experiences from my times when I was experimenting with Free Flight in all possible ways. On the other hand it is not fair to your bird to be exposed to such ordeal if they have never been in the trees or in heights where they perhaps might end up in a case of a fly off, it is very scary for an unexperienced bird to fly down from higher levels and see the world from above. Even if they had the intentions of coming back, they probably will not be able to because they didnt have the chance to learn what your house looks like from the sky or how to get back home. I recommend using a harness for birds that are not recall trained while going outside. There is nothing wrong with using one and it will ensure that you will both return home safely. 


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