
Perches are an important part of your birds cage. Many times I see skinny little perches for birds like Macaws, I bet you know them too, they look like broomsticks and often come with the cage. I hate them. They have the same diameter throughout the entire length of the "stick", that is not good for your parrots feet and over time it might lead to developing arthritis. Their feet need to be exercised an flexed and their nails worked off, this broomstick style perch doesn't help with none of that.  
Dont be scared to give them a fair size branch, they love to chew on them and birds like Amazons, Greys, Eclectus and Macaws have large feet. Also nice thick branch will help with keeping their nails nicely trimmed so well that you might never even have to trim them your self. For large birds I mostly keep one big perch with the biggest cement/sand perch sitting on top of it on one side. The reason why I like to keep only one big branch in my Macaws cage is because they have very long tails and large wing span and usually it is not possible to fit more perches there without them rubbing their tails off or being able to comfortably move around or spread their wings. 
Remember to position the perch in such a way that their tails are not rubbing against the bottom or the back wall of the cage, they do not need 2 feet of room above their head and rub the cage floor with their tail. Also the bird will sit facing forward most of the time anyways, so the branch should be closer to the front of the cage rather then the back, that will give them more room for their tails behind them again.
We use branches from our trees as perches, usually from Apple or Maple Trees.

Good Macaw size perch
Kaja's perch


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