Food Bowls

Good food bowls are important. Our birds have 3 bowls each. One for Pellets, one for fresh Veggies and Fruit and one for Water. The water and veggie ones we rinse every day, the pellet one every few days when they finish their pellets, they dont get messy.
I prefer either clay or stainless steel because they are harder to destroy and are easy to clean. Our GreenWing Macaw destroys clay cups! Yes, I know, they are hard, but he is strong and he likes to use them as his beak conditioner :) There are also some good plastic ones, but my birds still find ways to chew them. Good cages have small doors for each bowl so you dont need to open the whole cage in order to change them and in case you ever get a rescue bird that bites, you will sure appreciate that. Many birds like our Kaja know how to get the bowls out and play with them, so choose ones that have a screw on thread for fastening if your cage doesnt have wires to keep them safely in place, many cages do.

Good choice of a Cup with screw on thread

Poor choice of a cup, birds will pull it out

Kaja's Bowls, notice how they are chewed

Molly's ceramic bowl


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